On my way to speak at Grand Rounds, Cleveland Clinic Foundation Psychology Department.

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.

— Ralph Waldo Emerson


I am available to speak to your organization, college, university, therapist, or physician group on topics that address living with ADHD beyond the diagnosis. It is well known that when any of these groups collaborate with an ADHD coach, it has a profound outcome for everyone involved. Call 440-933-8309 to discuss dates, times, and fees or fill out the form below and I’ll get back in touch with you. Here’s what one person said about my presentation:

“The evening last night, listening to Joyce’s excellent, insightful lecture really set such a compassionate and hopeful tone. First of all, she didn’t gloss over the real dangers and pain, and the consequences of not dealing with ADHD or other mental issues.  In fact she highlighted them, in no uncertain terms, underscoring that not dealing with these issues affects, Everything!  At the same time, she championed and celebrated the real talent that also comes with!  She gave hope and real methodologies to learn to cope with the challenges, so that the pearl of the talent can be given


Speech and training topics

How to Use Therapy and ADHD Training Effectively

ADHD Coaching is not therapy. It’s about education, skills, strategies, and structures that educate the person with ADHD to find better ways to manage and live well with their ADHD. It’s important that they learn to understand their different thought process and how best to manage ADHD instead of ADHD managing them. This may involve both ADHD Coaching and therapy. These individuals often have co-existing conditions such as anxiety, depression, Autism 1, OCD, and other mental health conditions. How can these two professions – Therapy and ADHD Coaching – come together for the betterment of the patient and client? Which comes first – therapy or ADHD coaching? Or can the approach be collaborative? Call me to set up the presentation. “Collaborating with Therapy to Treat ADHD”, or to discuss a different approach.

Contact me below at kubikja@me.com for a free 30-minute discussion.



Unraveling ADHD: Turning ADHD into an asset
What was it like to grow up with undiagnosed ADHD back in the 50’s and 60’s? What did families even know about it? What were the challenges I met with undiagnosed ADHD and raising my family? And when your teenage daughter says, “I think we have a dysfunctional family”, what did I do? Getting a college degree seemed out of reach, yet I wanted that degree with all my heart. It took a lot of tears, strength, and determination to earn 2 degrees. I turned all my challenges into assets, creating a successful business helping others with ADHD. I made this happen, and I want to tell you about it.
Contact me below at kubikja@me.com for a free 30-minute discussion.

ADHD Coaching in the College Setting

This is a training program. Every college should have an ADHD Coach available to teach new ADHD students how to understand and manage their ADHD in order to keep up with the college agenda. These are very smart and talented students with the ability to graduate from college and succeed in the life of their choice rather than settle for second best. These students have much to offer to their school and community. Let’s look at the course I taught for students with ADHD and how to integrate ADHD Coaching into the Intro to College Course.

Contact me below at kubikja@me.com for a free 30-minute discussion.

Are You a New Coach?

There are many courses and avenues for you to take in order to become a Professional ADHD Coach. Often, after coach training, the question is how do I begin to set up my coaching practice? What would a coaching session look like? This 30-minute consultation helps you understand how you would set up your ADHD Coaching sessions for children, college students, adults, or entrepreneurs. We’ll talk about the many things you can do to know if ADHD Coaching is for you and the resources available. 

Contact me below at kubikja@me.com for a free 30-minute discussion.

If you’re interested in having Joyce speak at your event, just fill out this form.

7 + 2 =

Contact me at 440.933.8309 or at kubikja@me.com

“A Little Girl’s Dream Comes True”